Wednesday 29 May 2013

Get your Ex- Back!

Why Men Leave Women They Love

Many people today would say that a relationship is but a mere game.  While I take love very seriously and do not believe that to be true, I will say that the loving relationship and competitive board games like Chess have at least one thing in common: If you understand how the rules work, you’ll have a greater chance at winning.
If you found this page the way most people do, it is because a loved one left you.  Maybe you’re even in the minority that left their partner!  Either way, if you are determined to repair your relationship, I urge you to read on.
If you are a woman, this knowledge will be especially powerful.  You will have what you need to know to bring your man’s heart back by understanding what he needs.  Understanding better perhaps than even he understands.
If you are a man, you need to realize that we are not born with an innate understanding of our nature.  Once you understand it, you will be able to better communicate your basic needs to your partner, giving them a fair chance at fulfilling your needs and desires.
Actually, if you’re trying to repair a relationship with your man… the FIRST thing I would do is check out Bob Grant's methods (below) to make sure you’re on the right track.  Bob Grant is a licensed relationship counselor. His methods may seem unconventional, but they work because Bob Grant has a deep understanding for what both men AND women need.

I won’t over complicate the reason men leave.  While it’s true that men leave for a variety of reasons, in the end most of it comes down to one thing:
The male ego is probably about 700% larger than the female ego.  Maybe more.  Just as a mother feels a strong, natural, urge to nurture her child – the man feels a strong, natural, urge to nurture his ego! 
You wouldn’t threaten a mother bear and her cub, right?  That would be crazy.  You’d probably be killed!
So, the key to being a woman who’s seen as an asset, rather than a threat, is to help nurture his ego.  That’s the basis, but I’ll break it all down in a moment.
In fact, I’d say this knowledge of male psychology is what allows a lot of temptresses to STEAL men from loyal and loving wives.  The man-thieves understand men, and play their advantage well.  Read on to learn how to protect yourself by making sure that YOU’RE the one who takes care of your man’s ego!
***BONUS TIP*** :  If your man has been stolen from YOU… you can even use this advice to “steal” him back!)
A man may SAY any number of things when leaving.  But if life has taught me one thing, it’s this:
If you want to know the truth, watch what people DO.  Not what they SAY.
Men stay with women who mistreat them in all kinds of ways, so long as their ego is taken care of!  They usually leave when the woman no longer respects or looks up to them at all.  I will boldly say that the common theme in ALL men leaving is that they no longer feel needed, respected, or like a hero. 
All men want to be seen as heroes, especially by those they love.  When a man enters a relationship, it is largely because the woman ADORES him.  When he no longer feels like his woman sees him as a golden god, he can start to fall for the first woman who does! 
***WARNING*** : While this information is indeed powerful… if your partner has already left you emotionally, be careful how you approach them.  A sudden change can come across as illegitimate.
For some this information is purely entertainment; for others it is life changing.  Good luck; if you need more information please email us.

**** This article was initially published on our company website*****